OnlyOTP - An OTP generation, storage, and validation solution

Written on January 16, 2021

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1. Install Nuget Package.

Install Nuget Package

2. Generate OTP

var otpProvider = new Otp();
//Generates 6 digit OTP by default
var otp = otpProvider.GenerateOtp();

Advanced Options

Generate OTP with specified length

var otpWithSpecifiedLength = otpProvider.GenerateOtp(new OtpOptions { Length = 10 });

Gerenate OTP and Store In-Memory

Install InMemory OTP Storage Nuget

Install additional Nuget Package

Instantiate Otp with InMemoryOtpStorage

public void SomeMethod()
    // Pass InMemoryOtpStorage to Otp Provider.
    var otpProvider = new Otp(new InMemoryOtpStorage());

    // Returns OTP and OTP Verification Token
    // Save this token to retreive generated OTP later

    (string myOtp, string myToken) = otpProvider.GenerateAndStoreOtp();
public void SomeOtherMethod(string otpEnteredByUser)
    // Match the stored OTP with OTP entered by user
    var isMatched = otpProvider.IsOtpMached(otpEnteredByUser, myToken);

Generate OTP and Store in SQL Server

Install InMemory OTP Storage Nuget

Install additional Nuget Package

Create table and schema

SqlServerOtpStorage uses an Sql Server to store OTPs. Use this script to generate necessary table and schema.

CREATE TABLE [OnlyOtp].[Otp](
	[Id] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
	[Value] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
	[Id] ASC

Create DbContext

In an ASP.NET Core application

If you’re using ASP.NET Core, you can use Dependency Injection to set-up DbContext used by OnlyOtp.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddDbContext<OnlyOtpContext>(options =>
        options.UseSqlServer(@"Data Source=DATABASE_SERVER_NAME;Initial Catalog=DATABASE_NAME;Integrated Security=True;");

And in Controller or any other class, inject this DbContext:

public class HelloController : Controller
    private readonly OnlyOtpContext _onlyOtpContext;

    public HelloController(OnlyOtpContext onlyOtpContext)
        _onlyOtpContext = onlyOtpContext;

In any other application

You can instantiate the DbContext manually.

var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<OnlyOtpContext>()
                .UseSqlServer(@"Data Source=DATABASE_SERVER_NAME;Initial Catalog=DATABASE_NAME;Integrated Security=True;")
var dbContext = new OnlyOtpContext(options);

Use Otp with SqlServerOtpStorage

public void SomeMethod()
    // Pass SqlServerOtpStorage to Otp Provider.
    var otpProvider = new Otp(new SqlServerOtpStorage(_onlyOtpContext));
    // Get OTP token and generated OTP
    (string otp, string token) = otpProvider.GenerateAndStoreOtp();
    //Save this token to retreive generated OTP later
public void SomeOtherActionMethod(string otpEnteredByUser)
    // Match the stored OTP with OTP entered by user
    bool isOtpMatched = otpProvider.IsOtpMached(otpEnteredByUser, token);